In loving memory
Debra Ann Oliver
A donation has been made by Sally Frey in honor of Debra Ann Oliver.
In loving memory of my Mom, Debra Ann Oliver.
Daniel LaMartina
Mary Ann Lester
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Mary Ann Lester:
Karyl Kross
Cheryl Kieffer
Joan LaBue
Robert August
Howard Fischer
Tatyana Skvortsov
Shelly Strachan
Michelle Roberts
David Ross
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of David Ross:
Donna and Douglas Ross
Robert Judd
Gloria Louis Colletta
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Gloria Louis Coletta:
Johanna Ambrose
Richard and Margaret Felle
In loving memory of Richard and Margaret Felle- avid animal lovers.
Mary Reta Bean
In loving memory of Mary Reta Bean.
There wasn’t an animal she didn’t like. She always had one beside her tame or wild.
Charlene Freundlich
Randy and Joann Kenyon
Patricia Bean
Rose Marie and Louis Benigni
In loving memory of Rose Marie and Louis Benigni
Donation made by : Veronica Schuman
John ‘Jack’ and Ethel Westlake
In loving memory of my parents Mr. and Mrs. John (“Jack”) and Ethel Westlake and their love of animals.
Former President and Fundraising Board Chair (respectively) of the Monmouth County
ASPCA of New Jersey
Susan Westlake
Joseph D. Bellanca Sr.
We would like to thank the following people for the generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Joseph D. Bellanca Sr.
John and Judy Strachan, Mustang Music Mods & Frances Mahany
Paul Zimmerman
We would like to thank the following people for the generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Paul Zimmerman.
Yoshiki Tanigawa, President of Ikeda Center & Teresa Ganczak
Agnes B. Kanauer
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Agnes B. Kanauer.
Kathryn Kanauer, Travis Caudle, Kathy Kanauer, Robert Kanauer, Tom and Kathy Caudle, Ms. Anne H. Stevens & Wm J. Shattuck
Bruce Russell
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Bruce Russell
Timothy Malone & Cindy Malone
Evelyn DiBiase
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Evelyn DiBiase
Randy Power, Claudia Foti & Cynthia and Paul Swift
Anthony Russell
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Anthony Russell:
Lisa Slater
William Freundlich
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Bill Freundlich
Mary Roeser, Maddie Greenbaum, Shirley Nicolost, Marylu Bean, Mary Bean, Steven Nucci, Patricia Bean, Mary Roeser, Charles vanCamp
Gloria Forgione, Eileen Humphry, Schaubrook Family, Mary Ellen Hecht & Irene Barish
Lynn Burton
We would like to thank Michael and Helene Bicknell for their generous donation to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of: Lynn Burton, Beloved uncle of Mrs. Cindy Harless
Jeffrey Chafitz
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Jeffrey Chafitz:
Harvey and Pepi Chafitz
Evelyn VanCamp
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Evelyn Van Camp on what would have been her 86th birthday (August 2017)
Mike and Tammy VanCamp, Phil and Katie VanCamp, James and Catherine VanCamp, Mary VanCamp, Lisa VanCamp, Tim and Colleen VanCamp
Abby VanCamp, Sue Ellen and James Hikes (VanCamp), Tim Jr. VanCamp, Don and Sue VanCamp, Angelina VanCamp, Chuck and Sue VanCamp
John and Debbie Parent (VanCamp), Ashley Parent, Jonathan Parent and Brittney, Kaedan, Cole and Avery (Parent)
Mike Purol
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Mike Purol:
The Staff at the Irondequoit Public Library
Lisa Cano (Corona)
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Lisa Cano:
Jane M. Schweikert, Joanne and Dave Dorofy, Matthew P. Bolton, Brian Flaherty, Joe and Patti Tortoretti, Todd and Erin Tortoretti
Lynn and Rich Fagan, Patricia Tortoretti, Claudia Campanella, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hrycelak, Laurie Boughter & Upton Enterprises
Gary Schnetzer
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Gary Schnetzer:
Carol Hummel & Cathy Zaffuto
Marilyn Kreiser
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Marilyn Kreiser:
Unity Surgical Pre-Testing Department
Linda Curran
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Linda Curran:
Toni Mesh
Dorothy O’Brien
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Dorothy O’Brien:
Realty Performance Group, Geoffrey Schnalad, Beverly Provo & Shirley Brownell
Elizabeth Zapf
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Elizabeth Zapf:
Sue (Sanderson) McGrath & Mary Sanderson
Adele Borowski
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Adele Borowski:
Michele Johansson, Marilyn & Ed Killingbeck (Cary & Robert), Todd & Debra Killingbeck, Kurt & Kelli Schaller, Ed & Lynn Killingbeck
Shirley F. Baart
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Shirley F. Baart:
Tracy Lynn Morrall, Daniel J. Corcoran, Jr. & Beatrice L. Corcoran
James Murray
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of James Murray:
Cathy Corbett
Yaffa Bodek
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Yaffa Bodek:
Aaron Parness, Jacob Battat & Martin Fraser
Florence Bush
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Florence Bush:
Mindy and Tom MacLaren
Mary Holmes
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Mary Holmes:
Tonia and Lewis Green
Gloria Meleo Foster
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Gloria Meleo Foster:
Phyllis Erwin
Gerald and Agnes Reynolds
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Gerald and Agnes Reynolds:
Anonymous Donor
Dr. George Bowen
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Dr. George Bowen:
Marilyn & Nicholas Graver
Laurie Pask
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Laurie Pask:
Drs. Berghash & Lanza, Florence Gluchowicz, James Gluchowicz, Art Hengerer, Julith Kennedy, Margaret Kerber, Sandra Klossner
Ariana Klotz, Chris and Dixie Lentz, Mary Maiuri, Metro Footcare Associates, Skip and Nick Miller
James and Marcia Noble, Mary K. O’Connell & Barbara and Tom O’Connor
Mildred Kershaw
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Mildred Kershaw:
Russell and Ruth Allen, Caren Curtis & Gerda Pakusch
Elizabeth Moffatt
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Elizabeth Moffatt:
Christine Moffatt
Will Smith
12/5/47 - 1/15/08
Will loved the outdoors and all types of flora and fauna. His favorite cat of all times was Roosevelt, adopted through Pet Adoption Network in 2003.
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Will Smith:
Mary Curns, Gretchen Ham, Amy Karch, Marjorie Lewis, Barb and Ken Mattice, Anna Morreale, Donna Patrick, Ron and Marilyn Root,
Linda Ross & Robert and Stephanie White
Anne Lansing
1955 – 2007
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Anne Lansing:
Cathy Finley, Betty Lansing, Bob Lansing & Carolyn Maruggi
Kareen Roger-Smith
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Kareen Roger-Smith:
June Kiske
Cheryl Loch
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Cheryl Loch:
Judy and Gay Bogue, Judith A. Dobles, Hope Drummond & Pam and Jim Loch
Donna LaPlant Brantingham
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Donna LaPlante Brantingham:
The Brantingham Family, Patricia Butler, The Curry Family, Kim S. Hallatt, The LaPlante Family, Mary Ann Martinez & The Reimann Family
Bernadine Paul
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Bernadine Paul:
Melissa Boomer, June Brust, Pat Insaloco, June Kiske, Jane Lerch, Dorothy Marrer, Judith Slack, Lynn Stallings & Pat Stewart
Vivien Cupolo
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Vivien Cupolo:
Mary Jo Cupolo
Gail Bartlett
1961 – 2006
The volunteers of the Pet Adoption Network wish to express our sorrow at losing our friend Gail, a devoted friend of animals. Gail died tragically last year. She was a volunteer that did her best to help whenever she could, dropping everything to rescue a bird, squirrel, raccoon or cat. If more people had the compassion Gail had, the world would be a better place.
Mary Sullivan
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Mary Sullivan:
Nancy and Thomas Blanda, Ed and Margaret Blodgett, Brenda Bundy, David Carsel, Mary V. Fisher, Diane Hampton, Ann Harrington
Patricia and Edward Hoch, Beth Jordan, Maria Lucarelli, Kathleen O’Brien, Mary and Stephen Spiggle & Peg Wagner
Katherine Gaudreau
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Katherine Gaudreau:
Marilyn Lockner, Kathleen O’Brien & Rosemary Zuck
Flossie Schoepfel
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Flossie Schoepfel:
Lynne Krokehl, Ann and Ralph Schoepfel & Webster Schroeder High School Sunshine Club (Director Sharon Falco)
Hilde Gaus
We would like to thank the following people for their generous donations to the Pet Adoption Network in memory of Hilde Gaus:
Ursula Phommanirat