The Rainbow Bridge
There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on Earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up! The eyes from the group are staring! And this one suddenly runs from the group.
You have been seen, and when you and your friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace. Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never to be separated again.
Author unknown
Dilbert & Artie
Dilbert and Artie were adopted from P.A.N. as a bonded pair and remained best buddies. They were dearly loved and will be greatly missed. R.I.P. Dilbert and Artie.
Sylvie Chicken
A donation has been made to P.A.N. in memory of "Sylvie Chicken" a deeply loved 18 1/2 yr old family cat that recently passed.
We adopted from you in March of 2006 when he was two years old. He passed away July 12, 2020. We got Sam for my daughter Christina when she was in sixth grade. She is now 27. He lived with us for 16 years. It was the best decision we ever made. He was the sweetest most loving cat. And he is missed everyday. Thank you so much to The Pet Adoption Network!
Debbie Bell
"Charles, a street cat that came into our house and heart, and stayed"
Beloved dog of Peter, Nicole, Wyatt and Colton D’Arienzo.
Forever in our hearts.
Donation in memory of Amelia, beloved pet of Carolyn Lauber
Donation made by : Danielle Sharp
Beloved dog of : Kathy Helfrich
Donation made by : Helene Bicknell
Beloved dog of: Mr. and Mrs. Pat Williams
Donation made by: Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bicknell
Lexi only lived 9 years but she brought such joy to the family and will be missed forever.
Beloved cat of: Karen Turner
Donation made by: Carole Tomczyk
Beloved cat of : Fred and Linda Fritz
Donation made by : Michael and Helene Bicknell
Beloved dog of Kathy Ehrhardt
Donation made by : Helene Bicknell
Beloved pet of Paul and Patricia Barry
Donation made by: Dr. Meg Brooker and staff at Canfield Vet, Dog & Cat Hospital
In honor of "Trottolino"
Donation made by : Debra Pezzotti
Beloved dog of Mr. and Mrs. David Herendeen
Donation made by : Helene Donalies
Beloved pet of Mr and Mrs. Mel Yawny
Donation made by: Helene Donalies
In memory of beloved cat - Carina
Thank You!!
Donation made by : Debra Pezzotti
In memory of Angel, beloved pet of a very kind person who donated much needed medication to be used by a very loved pet of Shawn Kelly. To thank the owners of Angel, this donation was made to PAN to let them know how much this kind gesture means to Shawn and family.
Thank You!!
Donation made by : Shawn Kelly
Beloved dog of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fitze.
Donation made by : Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Donalies
Our beloved cat.
Donation made by : Cary and Melinda Akins
Our beloved cat.
Donation made by : The Pezzotti Family
Beloved pet dog of Curtis Donalies.
Donation made by : Dan and Helene Donalies